Friday, April 24, 2009



Wednesday, April 15, 2009


古典音樂的「AIR」裡,最有名的是巴哈的II.Air, bwv1068,又稱《G弦上的詠嘆調》(Air on the G string),被譽為不輸帕海貝爾《卡農》的經典小品。

  巴哈的四首管弦組曲之一。這一首的第二樂章 Air 因為曾被德國小提琴家 August Wilhelmj改編為小提琴獨奏曲而風行於世。 所謂 Air,有歌調或旋律之意,是慢板、有抒情歌調子的管弦樂曲的名稱,源自於歌劇的 Aria 或Arial,後者是歌劇中的主要獨唱曲部分,通常由三部組成∶第一部為主題,第二部為第一部的對比,第三部以華麗的風格重複第一部的曲調。

  在巴哈的《樂隊組曲第三號》誕生百餘年後,十九世紀德國著名小提琴家威廉密(August Wilhelmj,1845 ~1908)對這首作品的第二樂章作了改編,將第一小提琴聲部的曲調由D大調改為C大調,樂器上以小提琴獨奏為主,輔以大鍵琴伴奏,同時又將旋律全部移至小提琴G弦上演奏,由此命名為《G弦上的詠歎調》。

  此曲一經上演便廣受大眾歡迎,成為流傳廣泛的不朽經典。然而追根溯源之後,人們才知道這原是巴哈的傑作。百餘年來,這首《G弦上的詠歎調》以其純樸典雅的旋律加上G弦特有的渾厚、豐滿音色,使之倍受小提琴演奏家以及愛好者們鍾愛的曲目。有意思的是,聽過《G弦上的詠歎調》的聽眾遠要比知道《巴哈樂隊組曲第三號》的人多;而在如今大多數的唱片封面上,《G弦上的詠歎調》的作者欄上並沒有"August Wilhelmj",而肯定是"J.S.BACH"。

Sunday, April 5, 2009

my favorite


不悲 不喜
不来 不去
不增 不减
不舍 不弃
默然 相爱 寂静 欢喜

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dude, where's the store?

If you've ever traveled to a new city, guidebook in hand, this experience may sound familiar: seeking out a restaurant or store that you've read about, you arrive at the correct address only to find that the place you're looking for has closed down. Sure, your frustration might subside when you notice the Happy Hour specials at the watering hole next door, but there's nothing to prevent others from also setting their course for the now-defunct digs.

Fortunately, you can help other users get the most up-to-date look at your neighborhood in Google Maps. Using the Community Edits features, consider doing a quick "Neighborhood Watch" -- cleaning up Google Maps where you live so those not so familiar with your stomping ground don't get sent on a wild goose chase. Here are a couple things you can do.

Remove a business that's permanently closed:
  1. Search for the business that has closed down and click its marker. In the info window, click Edit > Remove Place.
  2. When asked why the business should be removed, select "It is permanently closed."
  3. Click Remove Place.

If the business in question is still around, but not quite at the spot marked on the map, just move the marker:
1. Click Edit > Move marker in the info window for the business in question.
2. Drag the marker to the actual location of the entrance of the business.
3. Click Save.

Now, it might seem like giving anyone the ability to move markers and remove businesses could create a few more problems than it solves. That's why there are a couple of safety measures in place to make sure these edits make Google Maps more accurate, not less. Google investigates businesses flagged for removal, as well as markers that are moved over 200 meters. So while your changes may not appear right away, rest assured that we appreciate your help in keeping Google Maps a reliable tool for travelers and locals alike.

Posted by Sarah Gordon, Tips Guru

that's absolutely not a good news to me
