00:00:56:- Take care.|- Love you.
00:00:58:- I just want to see you again.|- I know. I can't put the phone down.
00:01:03:- I can't either.|- I've got to. I've got to.
00:01:06:- This is terribIe.|- It's onIy gonna be two days.
00:01:08:- I Iove you.|- I Iove you too.
00:01:11:- This is terribIe.|- It's onIy two days. I Iove you.
00:01:14:- I Iove you too.|- Two pizzas for deIivery.
00:01:18:- What kind of pizza?|- Do you do stuffed crust?
00:01:22:- Stuffed crust, thin, deep pan.|- You do do deep pan?
00:01:29:- 9-, 12- or 15-inch.|- Which is the Iarge of those?
00:01:33:- 15-inch.|- And the medium is...?
00:01:36:- 12-inch.|- Uh, yeah, 12-inch, deep pan.
00:01:41:There's chicken kievs in the freezer.
00:01:43:- What shaII I have with it?|- HaIf a cabbage.
00:01:53:- Thin crust, deep pan.|- Wh-wh-where's the cabbage.
00:01:57:- This is terribIe.|- Deep pan.
00:01:59:- I-I-I-I Iove you.|- C-c-cabbage.
00:02:02:- Nine, 12, 15-inch.|- This is terribIe. TerribIe.
00:02:06:- Ch-ch-chicken kievs.|- TerribIe.
00:02:32:Shannon, I thought you' d gone.
00:02:35:No. 13-hour shift, though.|Not bad for a Sunday.
00:02:46:- What we got?|- Bad RTA. Everything's broken.
00:02:49:- Shannon?|- Sorry, I'm off-duty.
00:02:51:CaII X-Ray, an anaesthetist|and we can go.
00:02:54:Any chance of any heIp here?|I need fIuids!
00:02:58:- You were going.|- It was just a phase.
00:03:00:- By the way, happy birthday.|- Cheers.
00:03:05:HeIIo? AII cIear. Over.
00:03:09:- Got that, Danny.|- Copy that.
00:03:11:Roger. Over.
00:03:27:I can't beIieve it.|An oId infrared system.
00:03:30:No temperature monitor,|no movement sensor.
00:03:32:This stuff's out of the Ark.
00:03:34:- Yes, that's why we're here.|- ChiId's pIay.
00:03:37:No probIem for you, then.
00:03:48:You want anchovies?|You want-you want anchovies?
00:03:53:I'm so sorry I'm Iate.
1 week ago
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